Workplace utilisation LIV
Development of a prototypical data-driven service to support job search in the library LIV
Duration: since March 2021
© Roland Halbe
Contact person
Maximilian Feike
E-Mail: maximilian.feike [at]
Phone: +49 711 970-5265
The search for a free place to study and work in the library is a well-known challenge in everyday university life. Together with students from the Bildungscampus, we therefore want to develop a digital service that addresses precisely this problem.
In keeping with the real-lab approach of the Smart Campus Initiative, the inter-university library “LIV” on the Bildungscampus will serve as a place for prototypical development and testing under real conditions. Students from the local universities will be involved in the entire development process.
In order to develop a prototype service, the requirements of the future users are first determined in two interactive, digital workshops. In these workshops, we want to jointly determine user habits and user types, identify pain points and thus create the basis for the later prototypical development of the service.
Building on the findings generated, a further series of workshops will focus on the search for suitable technical solutions. The approaches identified will then be tested for functionality and added value under practical conditions on site.
At the end of the project, there is a tested prototype of a digital service that supports students in finding a free workplace through the user-friendly provision of information and thus contributes to a stress-free learning experience.
In addition to the technical functionality of the digital service and the added value from the students’ point of view, insights are also expected into the extent to which the solutions considered in the project can be transferred to operational use or to other fields of application. Depending on the resulting design, a wide variety of possible applications in public and private institutions are conceivable.
Other fields of application
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